Title: Igloore

Platform: PC Game

Genre: 3D Platformer

Rating: E

Target Market: Ages 8+, casual gamers

Game Overview:

Igor is a humble penguin fisherman. His abode is a modest igloo, which sits among many in the small village. He is a charismatic penguin to all, though he keeps a low-profile.

One usual night, something strange tugs on his fishing line. Assuming to be a big catch, Igor pulls on his fishing rod, only to be drawn in himself. Upon opening his eyes, Igor finds himself in a dreamlike world. Surrounded by him are purple igloos, which are his only sources of both travel and hope of returning back to reality.

Igloore is the game of his lore.


Use the WASD keys to move and Space to jump.

Your goal in each level is to reach the purple igloo. However, before you do so, there is a hidden snowflake that you must find in order to progress.

Game Design Team

Tulsano Wibisono - Game Designer


Snowflake Asset - BRAiNBOX

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